Aaron Kenny

Photos + Video

Aaron Kenny

Country: Australia

Passion: Kitesurf

Kite: Amp

Date of birth: 05/03/2001

Nationality: Australian

Link to your latest video: https://vimeo.com/198539260

Discipline: Freestyle, foil

Competitive Highlights:

3x U18 Vice Australian Freestyle Champion

4x U18 Victorian Freestyle Champion

2018 U18 Mambo Champ

2018 U18 Wave National Champion

Home spot: St Kilda Beach, Melbourne Vic

Favourite Spot: Saftey Bay, Perth

Favourite Gear: Ozone AMP, Axis Limited

Favourite Moves: Anything that gets a cheer from the tourists

More important than kiting: Family

What do you do in free time: Trade Stocks, make films, think of ways to become rich

What's on your iPod: The High Curbs, The Frights, WAAX

Why Ozone: They listen to feedback and create the best gear in the market based upon it!

What was your best kite moment: The continual stoke of landing something new after countless hours of frustration and stacking it!

What was your best life moment: Yet to come!

How would you change the world: By saving all the Dolphins!

What would be your ideal day: Waking up and not having to work!

Fave quote: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."